Are Private Label Rights Your Best Opportunity for Internet Marketing?


Ask 100 Internet marketers what their top money-making idea is and you will probably get 200 different answers (most IM’ers can’t resist a fall-back plan!). But there is one ‘concept’ that really seems to have come of age in late 2005 and is set to explode into 2006 with all guns blazing – private label rights.
Up until very recently, ‘private label rights’ was something that few people talked about and fewer still understood. The idea of selling your work so that someone else could not just resell it, but put change it any way they liked and even put their own name on it seemed crazy.
And yet, private label rights ebooks have been quietly selling through specialized membership sites and a select few people have been making good money from them.
Most people are familiar and comfortable with the idea of resale rights – where the owner of a book sells you the rights to sell it for yourself and keep all the profits. After all, that is only one step removed from traditional affiliate selling. But private label rights go so much further – effectively giving the private label rights purchaser carte blanche to do whatever they like with the materials.
Where do private label ebooks come from?
In the main, the ebooks for which private label rights are sold tend to be specially commissioned and written by ghost writers. They are targeted at highly specific niche markets that the originator has researched.
With a few exceptions, they tend to be fairly basic, workmanlike books that fulfil a market need, but that are not likely to set the world on fire.
They tend not to be earth-shattering best-sellers that divulge great secrets and that can command huge affiliate and joint venture networks.
That is not to say that private label rights ebooks are worthless – far from it. They fill a great need because they tend to be written to answer one specific set of questions within a well- searched niche market. As a result, if marketed correctly, they can make steady sales.
Going beyond the virtual covers.
The real benefit of private label rights ebooks comes from the fact that you can do whatever you like with them.
It means that if you are clever, the book you end up selling will be completely different to everyone else’s. Instead of being in competition with 500 other people who happen to have bought the same private label rights as you have, by exercising your right to change the content, reorder the chapters, add new sections, add illustrations and pictures, create a new cover, change the name of the author and create a compelling new title, you can ensure that your version of the book is totally unique.
And of course, selling a private label ebook as an ebook is just one possible use for the material!
In my book ‘Unlock the Secrets of Private Label eBooks’ I have identified ELEVEN different ways that you can profit from your private label rights ebook’s contents! Several of those strategies have nothing to do with ebooks at all.
The big secret that sets the professionals apart.
While it is true that there are a few professionals who are raking in great returns from their private label rights investments, the sad fact is that the vast majority of people who, up until now, have bought private label ebooks have left all their money on the table. They have either done nothing with the ebooks that they have access to, or have simply used them as they are provided.
And while this passive majority is standing around doing nothing, the professionals are busy digging the gold from the mine that each private label ebook represents.
Instead of looking at private label ebooks as an end in themselves, see them as the beginning. Each ebook can be the core of a great unique product, the content of highly targeted and search-engine friendly website, the beginning of your own unique Internet marketing empire.
For an enlightened few, private label ebooks willbe the big thing in 2006. The potential is huge – why not join with us now!

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